产品特点 Productfeatures 秉泰公司生产的美式电缆分接箱,以其优良的性能,规范化的设计,优美的外观,广泛 应用于电缆配电网系统中的电缆化工程设备,在各大工业园区,居民小区,
发布日期:2017-10-25 点击:1197次
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    ZHEJIANG BINGTAI ACCESSORIES OF CABLES CO.,  LTD product American-style branch box.it have excellent performance. normalized design. graceful apperance, it apply widely to cabling engineering equipment of cable power distribution network system, There is wide recognition that our prodicts in the various big industrial park. residential communityurban population centrebusiness center and high-rise buildings etc. it have main feature that one-way to open the door. lateral multipass bus bar, it have significant advantages that small width. flexible combinationfull insulation. omnisel etc.according to current rating, can be div|ded int0 600A major loop and 200A loop generally. Fix and connect 600A maior loop with screw-in type bolt  200A branch loop adopt pull and plug type connection and can charged pull and plug

适应环境Adapt to the environment


Ambient temperature: maximum air temperature+40, minimum air temperature-30


Wind speed: amount to 34m/s(no more than 700 pa)


Relative humidity:day relative humidity of the average is not greater than 95%:

month relative humidity Of the average is not greater than 95%

●防震:水平加速度不大于0 4m/s,垂直加速度不大于0.15m/s

Quakeproof:level acceleration is not grater than 0.4m/s,

vertical acceleration ls not greater than 0.15m/s


Installation site slope: it is not more than 3°


installation envlronment:Ambient air should not be clearly polluted by corrosive.

combustible gases. water vapor, installation site is not violent vibration


Note: When ordering the product is beyond the above conditions required,Please negotiate with our company

Copyright © 2017 秉泰电力科技有限公司 浙ICP备14007824号-1 地址:中国·温州柳市长虹工业园  
电话:0577-61759772 传真:0577-61759773 邮箱:bingtaidianli@163.com
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