项目 参数 额定电压 12KV 额定电流 630A 一分钟工频耐压 42KV 雷电冲击耐压 105KV 十五分钟直流耐压 52KV 动稳定电流 52kA/0.3s 热稳定电流 20kA/3s 箱体防护等级 lp33 DFW欧式电缆分支箱是近几年
发布日期:2017-11-29 点击:1437次
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  European-style cable branch box apply widely to cabling engineering equipment in the cable distribution network system in recent years.it have main characteristic of two-way open the door.butt joint bushing as connection bus bar.it have the length short.cable permute clearly,Three core cable have significant advantages that need not large span cross.The cable joint measure up to DIK147636 standards,it "Ixed

connection type cable joint with the rated current 630 A bolt generally

适应环境Adapt to the environment


Ambient temperature:maximum air temperature+40℃,mnimum air temperature -30℃


Wind speed: amount to 34m/s(no more than 700 pa)


Relative humidity:day relative humidity of the average is not greater than 95%;

month relative humidity of the average is not greater than 95%


Ouakeproof:level acceieration is not grater than 0.4m/s,

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